Kera 3 Kmamar Appartament €5,500 Kera fix-xahar

🇨🇾 Ċipru, Limassol District (Leymasun), Limassol, Cyprus, Agia Trias
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Tip ta' Prezz
Kera fix-xahar
Prezz kull m²
An exclusive beachfront complex with 19 apartments and two lifts, in front of the sea, located in the area of Limassol Old Town and 5 minutes walking distance from Limassol Marina and Limassol Zoo. It has common pool, sauna, and gym for the tenants, and all flats have their parking. The apartment is fully furnished with high quality Italian furniture and electrical equipment, marble bathrooms. It consist of 3 master bedrooms, independed kitchen with dining table, dining room, living room, TV room, guest toilet, bathroom, and big veranda with beautiful sea view. Also has parking for two cars. The flat has solid wood flooring, floor heating, VRV System (cold/hot temperatures), lighting system and automation system. The price includes everything - common expenses, garbage fees, insurance, property taxes, and sewerage taxes. Please call for a viewing
Prezz Kera fix-xahar
Fox Realty: Limassol Molos
FLM Fox Limassol Molos ID 45
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 25129 Cyprus, Limassol, Agia Trias
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 12/11/2024
€5,200 Monthly Rent
6 Kmamar
Limassol • Cyprus, Limassol, Historical Center
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