Affittare 3 Stanze Casa 1.000 € Affitto mensile

🇨🇾 Cipro, Paphos District (Pafos), Konia, Cyprus, Paphos, Pafos
Informazioni sulla proprietà Casa
Superficie totale
Superficie totale del terreno
Informazioni sulla proprietà Casa
1.000 €
Tipo di prezzo
Affitto mensile
Prezzo al m²
8,33 €
For rent is a three-bedroom, two-bathroom bungalow located near the center of Paphos. The property features air conditioning units in all areas and includes kitchen appliances. It comes partially furnished and has recently undergone partial renovations. The master bedroom has an ensuite shower for added convenience. Outside, there is an uncovered parking space on the side of the house, as well as a veranda and a garden at the back. * This could also become your next workplace.*
1.000 €
Prezzo Affitto mensile
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Mostra telefono
Ref: 27265 Cyprus, Paphos, Pafos
Informazioni su prezzi e disponibilità aggiornate il 13/11/24
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