Vendere Commerciale 135.000 € Prezzo completo

🇨🇾 Cipro, Paphos District (Pafos), Pafo, Cyprus, Paphos, Tombs Of the Kings
Informazioni sulla proprietà Commerciale
Superficie totale
Informazioni sulla proprietà Commerciale
135.000 €
Tipo di prezzo
Prezzo completo
Prezzo al m²
1.451,61 €
Informazioni sul mutuo
Pagamento del mutuo
668 €/mese
1.336 €/mese
Primo pagamento
Tasso di interesse
462,12 €/mes.
Overpayment 7.447,4 €
Radius 1.8 km.
Superficie totale ± 5 m²
Valore di mercato
Median price 135.000 €. Average price 135.000 €. Price da 135.000 € a 135.000 €
Percentage of deviation of market 0%
Retail shop with frontage on Tombs of the Kings avenue, Paphos, with a separate title deed in place. Located on the eastern side of the ground floor of a complex offers a prime retail or commercial opportunity within a vibrant mixed-use building that includes 6 shops and 3 residential flats (a total of 9 units). This spacious unit features an open-plan layout on the ground floor, perfect for various business types, along with an integrated kitchen area. Access to the mezzanine level is conveniently provided via external staircases and offers additional functional space, including modern amenities such as toilets, a shower, and a comfortable sitting area, ideal for staff or customer use. The property is perfectly positioned to attract foot traffic and clientele, making it a versatile and desirable space for businesses seeking exposure in a bustling location. The property falls within a duel Zone Κα7(77%), with a building coefficient of 80%, coverage of 45%, and permission for 2 floors (10m) of construction and Zone Εβ(23%) , with a building coefficient of 0%, coverage of 0%, and permission for 0 floors (0m) of construction.
135.000 €
Prezzo Prezzo completo
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Mostra telefono
Ref: 27498 Cyprus, Paphos, Tombs Of the Kings
Informazioni su prezzi e disponibilità aggiornate il 28/11/24
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