Nájomné 1 Spálňa Byt, 650 €
🇱🇻 Lotyšsko, Mārupe Municipality, Mārupe, Latvia, Malduguņu iela 6 101 Mārupes pag. Rīgas rajons
4 z 5
O nehnuteľnosti Byt
Celková plocha
Informácie o ponuke
650 €
Typ ceny
Mesačný nájom
Cena za m²
11,93 €
O dome
Počet poschodí
The apartment includes: full kitchen equipment with dishwasher, oven, stove and refrigerator; built-in wardrobes, washing machine. Living in this project will suit both active entrepreneurs (a business center is located nearby) and families with children, as the area has children's and basketball courts, a very convenient location and infrastructure. Everything can be reached in a flash with a car: T/c Spice: 3 min Airport: 8 min Riga center: 15 min Jurmala: 18 min Very low utility bills. It is possible to rent a parking space for 29€ or 60€ per month, and free parking is available outside of working hours. Other apartments are also available in the project
650 €
Cena Mesačný nájom
Ukáž telefón
Ref: 40438 Latvia, Malduguņu iela 6 101 Mārupes pag. Rīgas rajons
Cena a dostupnosť aktualizovaná 30. 1. 2025
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João, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and Ana
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