Biegħ Art €92,500 Prezz Sħiħ

🇵🇹 Portugall, Castelo Branco, Portugal, Quinta do Socorro
Dwar il-Proprjetà Art
Erja totali art
Dwar il-Proprjetà Art
Tip ta' Prezz
Prezz Sħiħ
Dwar id-Dar
Sena ta' Kostruzzjoni
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €5,102.85
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
🏞️ Lot 128 in Quinta do Socorro – Castelo Branco 🏞️

We present a unique opportunity to acquire a corner plot  in the prestigious Quinta do Socorro, in Castelo Branco, Central Portugal, with 471 m².

This privileged plot offers not only a premium location, but also a series of advantages that make it ideal for building your dream home.

Terrain Features:
Total Area: 471 m²
Gross Construction Area Allowed: 218 m²
Implementation Area: 125 m²
Possibility of basement: With the same area as the implantation (125 m²)
Outdoor Pool Option: Perfect for moments of leisure and relaxation

Location: This plot is located in one of the most valued areas of Castelo Branco.

With a privileged location, at the back of the lot there will be no construction, offering an exclusive view of Parque do Barrocal, a natural space that guarantees tranquility and direct contact with nature.

Furthermore, the lot is just a few meters from a children´s playground, providing an ideal environment for families. Just a few steps away, you can enjoy restaurants and terraces, creating a comfortable and practical lifestyle.

2 minutes walk from the city center
Schools and services within walking distance, ensuring everyday convenience.
This is the perfect place to build a modern and comfortable home, with all the amenities of an urban area and the tranquility provided by being close to nature.
Don´t miss this unique opportunity! Get in touch for more information and book your visit to this exceptional lot now.
Prezz Prezz Sħiħ
Uri t-telefon
Ref: GL120 Portugal, Castelo Branco, Quinta do Socorro
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 26/09/2024
🔎 Fittex il-propjetà immobbli Portugal
Sib il-propjetà perfetta tiegħek faċilment. Għall-ħajja u għall-investiment.
🌎 Pajjiżi
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli madwar id-dinja.
🗺️ Reġjuni
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli fiż-żoni interni.
💻 Żid reklama
Elenca l-propjetà tiegħek b'xejn!
🟥 M-SQ Portugal
Sit tal-investiment fil-propjetà immobbli M-SQ. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li ngħinuk tifhem l-investimenti fil-propjetà immobbli u s-suq.
🙋‍♂️ Ingħaqad magħna
Ibda bil-ħaġa l-aktar sempliċi, oħloq il-kont tiegħek.
João, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and Ana
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