Biegħ 2 Kmamar Dar €150,000 Prezz Sħiħ

🇪🇸 Spanja, Granada, Illora, Spain, Íllora, 0
En trámite
Dwar il-Proprjetà Dar
Kmamar tal-Banju
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Dar
Tip ta' Prezz
Prezz Sħiħ
Prezz kull m²
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €8,274.89
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
This wonderful property has amazing views over the town of Illora, it’s really lovely. The real joy of this place is the garden. There is so much space and potential here that the keen gardener, or just someone who wants a lot of outside space will be spoilt for choice as to how to use the plot. You could easily install a pool with gorgeous views as well as have hideaway plots, veggie garden and more. The owner is a keen gardener and has planted many beautiful plants, herbs, trees, cacti and bulbs so that everywhere you look there is something for your senses to appreciate.
The main house is bungalow style with a really nice tiled patio at the front. You enter to a large hallway with store room, and then through to the dining room, with wood burning stove, and kitchen. The only drawback is that the three bedrooms are all one off another but that can be easily remedied by the installation of two doors and a wall. The large lounge has full width windows and views over the town, and a bathroom and laundry room are off the lounge.
There are three buildings on the plot, all of which are in perfect structual condition and just need someone to decide how to use them. They can all be simply and inexpensively turned in to more living accommodation, or an office, or a yoga studio, whatever you need.
We have approx. room sizes as well as a basic list of the plants already at this property for interested buyers. This really is an opportunity to buy a huge parcel of land with enormous potential in a priveleged position within a small town. A video viewing by live WhatsApp call is available here
Granada city is only 40 minutes away.
Prezz Prezz Sħiħ
Granada Houses Estate Agency Inmobilaria
Uri t-telefon
Spain, Íllora, Granada, 0
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 04/09/2021
🔎 Fittex il-propjetà immobbli Spain
Sib il-propjetà perfetta tiegħek faċilment. Għall-ħajja u għall-investiment.
🌎 Pajjiżi
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli madwar id-dinja.
🗺️ Reġjuni
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli fiż-żoni interni.
💻 Żid reklama
Elenca l-propjetà tiegħek b'xejn!
🟥 M-SQ Spain
Sit tal-investiment fil-propjetà immobbli M-SQ. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li ngħinuk tifhem l-investimenti fil-propjetà immobbli u s-suq.
🙋‍♂️ Ingħaqad magħna
Ibda bil-ħaġa l-aktar sempliċi, oħloq il-kont tiegħek.
João, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and Ana
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