Изнајмување 3 Соба Куќа,
🇲🇪 Црна Гора, Bar Municipality, Sutomore, Crna Gora, Bar, Zankovići
За имотот Куќа
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На барање
За куќата
Spacious 3-story house with Sea View in Zankovići, Bar

Located in the picturesque area of Zankovići in Bar, this stunning house offers a total area of 100 square meters on the ground floor, 100 square meters on the first floor, and 85 square meters attic with panoramic windows and a breathtaking sea view. Each level boasts its own terrace, perfect for enjoying the surrounding scenery and fresh air.  

The attic is designed as a vast living area, complete with a small kitchen. Additionally, there is a separate kitchen located in the garden area, along with a pantry totaling 28 square meters. The spacious garden spans 182 square meters, providing ample space for outdoor activities and relaxation.  

Parking is conveniently provided in a separate unit, ensuring privacy and security with its fenced enclosure, capable of accommodating multiple vehicles.  

The house features a bathroom and toilet on the ground floor, another bathroom on the first floor, and two bathrooms in the attic.  

Don't miss out on the opportunity to rent this charming property with its stunning views and ample amenities. Contact us today for more information and to schedule a viewing.  

Wifi, Parking, Balcony, Garden, Air Conditioning, Central Heating , Laundry Room, Pets Allow, Mountain view, Sea view, Nature
Цена На барање
Crassula Estate
CE Crassula Estate ID 29
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Ref: R-0412 Crna Gora, Bar, Sutomore, Zankovići
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 8.10.24
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