Изнајмување 4 Соби Куќа 3.000 € Месечна кирија

🇨🇾 Кипар, Paphos District (Pafos), Kissonerga, Cyprus, Paphos
За имотот Куќа
За имотот Куќа
3.000 €
Тип на цена
Месечна кирија
This lovely, private 4 bedroom villa is located just 5' walk from the beach. Kissonerga center and Tombs of the Kings are merely a few minutes drive away. As you walk up towards the house you enter into an entrance hall which includes a guest's cloak room and the staircase. The ground floor comprises an open plan dining and living room with fireplace. The kitchen is separate and has a door that leads out to the pool, garden and barbecue area. The marble staircase at the entrance hall takes you to 2 bedrooms and a bathroom on the lower level. There is a further 2 bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper level. There is access to the large covered balcony where you can sit and enjoy the peaceful Mediterranean life style and sea views.
3.000 €
Цена Месечна кирија
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Прикажи телефон
Ref: 18949 Cyprus, Paphos, Kissonerga
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 10.10.24
2.700 € Monthly Rent
3 Соби
13 €/
Kissonerga • Cyprus, Paphos, Kissonerga
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