Kera Appartament €550 Kera fix-xahar

🇨🇾 Ċipru, Paphos District (Pafos), Pégeia, Cyprus, Paphos, Pegeia
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Kmamar tal-Banju
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Tip ta' Prezz
Kera fix-xahar
Prezz kull m²
Fully furnished Studio with communal swimming pool and sea views located in Pegeia, Paphos The asset is adjacent to Panagias Zalatziotissas Street, 1km southwest of the centre of Pegeia village and 2,7km north of the Coral Bay area. The apartment has an area of 37sqm and consists of an open plan living space with a kitchen, a bathroom and a covered balcony of 15sqm. The apartment has double-glazed windows and provisions for split units. It has the right to use covered parking space and a shared swimming pool. The Pegeia area is a well-developed tourist destination with an extensive selection of hotels, shops, restaurants, supermarkets and other facilities. The asset falls within the Residential Planning Zone H3, with a building density coefficient of 60%, coverage coefficient of 35%, in 2 floors and a maximum height of 8.30m. Fully furnished with new furniture and new electrical appliances.
Prezz Kera fix-xahar
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 24284 Cyprus, Paphos, Pegeia
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 02/11/2024
€550 Monthly Rent
Pégeia • Cyprus, Paphos, Pegeia
€530 Monthly Rent
Pégeia • Cyprus, Paphos, Peyia
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