Rent 2 Kamra Apartment, €2,200
🇨🇾 Ċipru, Limassol District (Leymasun), Páno Polemídia, Cyprus, Limassol, Ekali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Apartment
Kmamar tal-Banju
Żona Totali
Informazzjoni dwar il-Ftehim
Tip ta' Prezz
Monthly Rent
Prezz kull m²
• Unique, super modern 2 bedroom brand new apartment in a quiet area at Ekali, near schools and amenities and within a short drive from Limassol's city center. • A secure building of 6 apartments with remote controlled gates. • Two spacious bedrooms with modern architecture and premium finishes • Two bathrooms [the master bedroom has an en-suite bath] • The covered area of the apartment is 86m2 and covered balcony 22m2 • Designated parking space • Storage Room • Underfloor Heating • Photovoltaic System for the apartment and for communal spaces • Door Answering Video Phone • A/C Units installed in all rooms • Landscape Gardens • Fully Furnished with brand new furniture’s and equipped with all electrical appliances. • No pets allowed negotiable
Nearby Brands
Ma sibu xejn għall-mistoqsija tiegħek, ipprova bidla r-reġjun jew il-mistoqsija
Prezz Monthly Rent
Fox Realty: Limassol Griva Digeni
Fox Limassol Griva Digeni ID 46
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 27332 Cyprus, Limassol, Ekali
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 09/01/2025
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