Buy Apartment,
🇧🇦 Босна и Херцеговина, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Бановиќи, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luštica , Crna Gora
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Sale of land with a ready-made 5-star hotel project.
Located on the Montenegrin peninsula of Lustica, in the largest bay on the Adriatic Sea - on the shore of the Bay of Kotor, which is called the southernmost fjord in Europe, 10 minutes from Tivat airport.  The last plot on the seashore on which it is still possible to build a 5-star hotel The nature here is magnificent. Majestic mountains, azure sea. Scattered along the coast secluded bays with fine sand and pebble beaches, and in the surrounding area there are pine and olive trees groves, authentic villages, private farms and vineyards. In a word, idyll. The foundation has been laid for the construction of the Golf Residences area. To develop a golf course project invited the world famous player Gary Player. A professional facility will be built here The course has 18 holes, the first 9 will open by the end of 2023. Overall the project is unique. Estimated specialists, less than 10% of golf courses in the world offer the opportunity watch the sea from anywhere. The Centrale area will become a commercial, administrative and cultural center. The main city services will be located there: a kindergarten, a school and a medical center, police and fire station, bank, post office, car service and gas station, outlet village, conference center and sports complexes. New parks will be created in the area, walking areas will be improved, galleries, shops and cafes will open in the central square. Site area 20,995 m2 Total area of ​​the complex - 16,287 m2  
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Prometheus Real Estate
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Ref: 1865 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luštica , Crna Gora
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 27.3.25
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