Buy Land, €40,000
🇵🇹 Portugall, Aveiro, Aradas, Portugal, São Bernardo
282 एम²
Dwar il-Proprjetà Land
Żona Totali
Żona Utli (Residenzjali)
Erja totali art
282.00 एम²
Informazzjoni dwar il-Ftehim
Tip ta' Prezz
Full Price
Prezz kull m²
Dwar id-Dar
Sena ta' Kostruzzjoni
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €2,206.64
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
Building land in São Bernardo

Land for sale with approved Architectural Project.

The land has a total area of 282m2, allowing the construction of a semi-detached house with a footprint of 110m2, for a total of approximately 220m2 of gross construction area.

Contemporary architectural design, allows for a T3 plus office typology, favoring generous interior areas and the use of outdoor spaces.

With excellent sun exposure (north, east, south), it provides plenty of natural light in social and private areas.

Located 5 minutes from the city center and with easy access to the main roads, it allows for quick and comfortable travel.i

Newimo Realtors
We are a real estate agency that is not only concerned with satisfying the needs of our clients. We intend to exceed them!
Whether to buy or sell, or even rent a property, we will work with you in a personalized way to reach the ideal solution together. Our team is experienced, qualified and oriented towards the success of the operation. We understand that a good property portfolio is not enough to meet the needs of those looking for a real estate solution. Therefore, our concern is to study the market and offer the best recommendation.
Tell us what you´re looking for, and we´ll be ready to help.
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Ma sibu xejn għall-mistoqsija tiegħek, ipprova bidla r-reġjun jew il-mistoqsija
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Genuinargumento Lda Agency
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 24011 Portugal, Aveiro, São Bernardo
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 17/02/2025
🔎 Fittex il-propjetà immobbli Portugal
Sib il-propjetà perfetta tiegħek faċilment. Għall-ħajja u għall-investiment.
🌎 Pajjiżi
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli madwar id-dinja.
🗺️ Reġjuni
Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli fiż-żoni interni.
💻 Żid reklama
Elenca l-propjetà tiegħek b'xejn!
🟥 M-SQ Portugal
Sit tal-investiment fil-propjetà immobbli M-SQ. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li ngħinuk tifhem l-investimenti fil-propjetà immobbli u s-suq.
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Ibda bil-ħaġa l-aktar sempliċi, oħloq il-kont tiegħek.
João, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and AnaJoão, Maria, Tiago, and Ana
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