Buy Land, 100.000 €
🇵🇹 Португалија, Castelo Branco, Penamacor, Portugal
За имотот Land
Total area land
Информации за зделката
100.000 €
Тип на цена
Full Price
За куќата
Година на изградба
За хипотеката
Хипотекарно плаќање
495 €/мес.
990 €/мес.
Првичен платеж
Каматна стапка
342,31 €/мес.
Прекумерно плаќање 5.516,6 €
Индикатори за инвестиции
Радиус 1.8 km.
Вкупна површина ± 5 m²
Unique Opportunity: Rustic Farm with Infinite Potential!

Located just 14 km from the historic village of Penamacor, this stunning 20.4 hectare farm offers a serene setting and a multitude of investment possibilities. With a strategic location just 1.4 km from the Spanish border and 17 km from the city of Valverde del Fresno, this property is a true jewel of the region.

Main Features:
20.4 Hectares of Untouched Nature: Composed of three rustic articles, this vast property is a natural sanctuary with scattered holm oaks, providing a peaceful and authentic environment.

Two Dams with Expansion Potential: Ideal for sustainable agriculture or leisure projects, these two dams already have authorization for expansion.

Fenced Area of ​​8 Hectares and Authorization for Additional Fence: With an already fenced area of ​​8 hectares and authorization to extend the fence throughout the property, security and privacy are guaranteed.

Moderate Topology and Easy Access: With a moderate topology and easy access via a beaten road for the last 500 meters, this farm is accessible to any vehicle, making it perfect for development or immediate exploration.

 Possible Investments:

1. Rural and Ecological Tourism: Transform this farm into an ecological retreat or rural tourism center, offering visitors an authentic experience of country life, with activities such as bird watching, nature walks and environmental education.
2. Sustainable Agriculture: Explore the agricultural potential of the property, growing organic products, fruits, aromatic herbs, olive groves or even establishing a vineyard to produce quality wines.
3. Cattle grazing: Holm oaks provide shade and food for livestock, making the land suitable for extensive grazing of sheep, goats or cattle.
4. Honey production: Holm oaks are excellent for producing quality honey, so the land can be used for beekeeping.
5. Mushroom production: Shaded areas under holm oaks can be used to grow edible mushrooms, such as shitake or oak mushrooms.
6. Nature conservation: If the objective is to preserve the landscape and biodiversity, the land can be left untouched or used for conservation actions, such as the reintroduction of native species.

Don´t miss this unique opportunity to acquire a farm with such vast and diverse potential. Contact us today for more information and to schedule a tour! 🌿🏡🌞
Nearby Brands
Caixa Geral de Depósitos 137 мAuchan 538 м
100.000 €
Цена Full Price
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Ref: GL111 Portugal, Castelo Branco, Penamacor
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 17.3.25
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