Predať Dom 3 000 000 € Plná cena

🇱🇻 Lotyšsko, Riga, Latvia, A.Briāna iela 9 Centrs Rīga
0 z 3
O nehnuteľnosti Dom
Celková plocha
O nehnuteľnosti Dom
3 000 000 €
Typ ceny
Plná cena
Cena za m²
1 848,43 €
O dome
Počet poschodí
O hypotéke
Splátka hypotéky
14 846 €/mes.
29 692 €/mes.
Úroková sadzba
10 269,36 €/mes.
Preplatok 165 497,88 €
Investičné ukazovatele
Polomer 1.8 km.
Celková plocha ± 5 m²
Trhová hodnota
Mediánová cena 3 000 000 €. Priemerná cena 3 000 000 €. Price od 3 000 000 € do 3 000 000 €
Percentuálna odchýlka od mediánovej trhovej hodnoty 0%
We are offering a historic mansion in the center of Riga, on a land section of 3591 m2 and consists of 2 office buildings - a two-storey building with a total area of 1,623.6 m2 (built in 1883 year) and a two-storey building with a total area of 419.8 m2 (1883 year construction). Real estate consists of two contiguous sites - historic mansion K. von Stritsky and territory with the building for demolition. Mansion has the status of an architectural monument and it is in need of restoration. The second object is a land area of 536 m2, which is an office building with total area of 491.60 m2. This building is not an architectural monument, and it can be demolished, if necessary. Around is well-developed infrastructure, good access roads. The buildings are connected to electricity, plumbing, heating, gas and sewer. Anticipated development of the project - the reconstruction of the mansion under the exclusive apartments. The main idea of reconstruction - to revive the mansion and return him to the original function of the elegant housing. The new concept layout of the building - a few exclusive apartments in the context of interior courtyard of the late XIX century.
3 000 000 €
Cena Plná cena
Ukáž telefón
Ref: 19180 Latvia, A.Briāna iela 9 Centrs Rīga
Cena a dostupnosť aktualizovaná 23. 11. 2024
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