Rent Commercial, €7,500
🇱🇻 Il-Latvja, Riga, Latvia, Ūdens iela Dzegužkalns (Dzirciems) Rīga
1 ta' 4
Dwar il-Proprjetà Commercial
Żona Totali
Informazzjoni dwar il-Ftehim
Tip ta' Prezz
Monthly Rent
Prezz kull m²
Dwar id-Dar
Numru ta' Saffi
House and house extras - renovated building, security guard, all communications, all the amenities, elevator available, windows face the yard, windows face the street, closed stairwell, clean staircase. Territory - developed infrastructure, public transport, well-groomed territory, guarded yard, parking place, free parking, underground parking. Furniture - furniture under agreement. Extras - optical internet, building guard, video surveillance, internet, Wi-Fi, alarm, air conditioner, telephone connection. Property and heating - has built engineering communications, city central heating, new ventilation, new sewerage, new heating system, house central heating, individual heat meter, gas heating, adjustable heating. Repairs and gradation of repairs - heavy repairs. Situation - aviable.
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Ma sibu xejn għall-mistoqsija tiegħek, ipprova bidla r-reġjun jew il-mistoqsija
Prezz Monthly Rent
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Ref: 25261 Latvia, Ūdens iela Dzegužkalns (Dzirciems) Rīga
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 04/03/2025
€7,200 Monthly Rent
Riga • Latvia, Dzelzavas iela 72 Purvciems Rīga
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