Rent 1 Herbergi Commercial, 47.000 EUR
🇱🇻 Lettland, Mārupe Municipality, Mārupe, Latvia, Dzirnieku iela 24 Mārupes pag. Rīgas rajons
1 af 2
Um eignina Commercial
Upplýsingar um samning
47.000 EUR
Monthly Rent
Verð á m²
4,7 EUR
Um húsið
Fjöldi hæða
The most energy efficient warehouses and production facilities at Riga International Airport. Offers Class A warehouse and production facilities up to 24,400 sqm, in the latest project "Green Park". The premises can be combined with Class A offices up to 2,900 m2. area. All rooms are adapted to the customer's needs - windows, doors, partitions, gates, bathrooms, docks, etc. Project advantages: - 2 min. distance from RIX (Riga International Airport) - Public transport (22 buses, 322 and 241 minibuses) - 15 min. to the center of Riga - New ultra energy efficient building - very low electricity and heating costs (150mm PUR panels, triple glazed facades, latest generation LED lighting, ventilation with recuperation system) - Ceiling height in the warehouse 8m + 2m (80% of the space above the last shelf floor) - New seamless floors, which allows better operation of the floor with a load of 7 tons per sq.m. - Available electrical power 2 mW - Landscaped and lighted area, video surveillance, alarm system, room access with chip cards - Ample free parking
47.000 EUR
Verð Monthly Rent
Sýna síma
Ref: 33258 Latvia, Dzirnieku iela 24 Mārupes pag. Rīgas rajons
Verð og framboðsupplýsingar uppfærðar 3.2.2025
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