Biegħ 3 Kmamar Appartament €156,600 Prezz Sħiħ

🇱🇻 Il-Latvja, Stopiņi Municipality, Ulbroka, Latvia, Murjāņu iela 70 K-1 32 Jugla Rīga
2 ta' 4
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Tip ta' Prezz
Prezz Sħiħ
Prezz kull m²
Dwar id-Dar
Numru ta' Saffi
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €8,638.99
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
Valur tas-Suq
Prezz Medjan €156,600. Prezz Medju €156,600. Price minn €156,600 sa' €156,600
Deviżjoni fil-perċentwal mill-valur medjan tas-suq 0%
Choose a house by Lake Jugla with two, three and four-room apartments from 44 to 102 m2. The Ezerjugla residential complex is scheduled to be commissioned in April 2022. The Ezerjugla complex borders the wide shore of Lake Jugla, where it is planned to install a well-maintained beach with changing cabins in the area of ​​2,500 m2. Excellent traffic, convenient infrastructure and only half an hour to the city center, but on the first floors of the buildings for the convenience of residents - small commercial areas for services and trade. Ezerjugla is an eight-storey building in a landscaped, safe area. There are two- and three-room apartments, most with spacious balconies. Your car will rest in one of the 535 surface or underground car parks after the trip. The apartments in Ezerjugla are offered with full finishing so that the residents can settle into the new home without any worries. All apartments have three double-glazed windows and 13.3 mm thick three-layer parquet with a 2.7 mm top layer - semi-matt oak Balticwood Oak Cottage. All doors are painted white, and the exterior doors are veneered. Bathrooms are equipped with Gustavsberg plumbing, Salsa Biston baths with front panel, and Austrian Eisl faucets and showers. The design of the walls and heated floors is permeated by Italian elegance with Italian-made Idea ceramica tiles in light, light tones. In the apartments, where there are two bathrooms, one of them is equipped, the other is built as a wardrobe with water and sewerage inlets. More than 600 m2 of active sports area with outdoor exercise machines, treadmills and skateboard fans awaits the lovers of a sporty lifestyle. And its own parking lot - even for the smallest ones: in several sections near the stairwells on the first floor there are trolley sheds.
Prezz Prezz Sħiħ
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 37225 Latvia, Murjāņu iela 70 K-1 32 Jugla Rīga
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 10/12/2024
€160,000 Full Price
3 Kmamar
Ulbroka • Latvia, Vecā Biķernieku iela 19 Mežciems Rīga
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