Vendre 3 Habitacions Apartament, 132.000 €
🇱🇻 Letònia, Riga, Mežaparks, Latvia, Zemgala gatve 80 Teika Rīga
3 de 12
Sobre la propietat Apartament
Superfície total
Sobre la propietat Apartament
132.000 €
Tipus de preu
Preu complet
Preu per m²
2.200 €
Sobre la casa
Nombre de plantes
Sobre la hipoteca
Pagament hipotecari
653 €/mes.
1.306 €/mes.
Pagament Inicial
Tipus d'Interès
451,85 €/mes.
Sobrecost 7.281,91 €
Indicadors d'Inversió
Radi 1.8 km.
Superfície total ± 5 m²
Valor de Mercat
Preu Mediana 132.000 €. Preu Mitjà 132.000 €. Price de 132.000 € a 132.000 €
Percentatge de desviació del valor mitjà del mercat 0%
For sale - a 2 bedroom apartment located in "Jaunā Teika" and consists of 2 bedrooms (15.4 и 9.3 sq. m), a kitchen (18.4 sq. m), hallway, bathroom and balcony (4.7 sq. m). The cost of the apartment is 135, 000 until May 15, since we found a new apartment and are ready to move into it. The apartment is very warm, with heat regulators and its own heating meter - you pay as much as you use (heating for January 2024 – 55, 69 eur; for April 2024 – 5, 60 eur – the bills are attached to the gallery). A high-speed optical Internet is connected to the apartment. The apartment has a free parking for one car, and it is also possible to purchase a pass for indoor parking on the territory. Apartment finishing: Italian stretch ceilings; floor – natural parquet (acacia); the bathroom is equipped with high-quality Villeroy & Boch sanitary-ware; bathtub is 187 cm long. The territory around the house is well-maintained and landscaped: there are - a coworking, a grocery store, a cafe, a restaurant, a pharmacy, medical centers, electric vehicle charging points, a fitness club, playgrounds, a kindergarten, and a recreation area with a fountain. International companies offices, schools and shopping centers are nearby. The land under the house is owned, so the land tax is small. Thanks to the developed infrastructure, you can easily and quickly reach the center, Mežaparks, and Vecāķi beach by car or public transport.
132.000 €
Preu Preu complet
Mostra el telèfon
Ref: 43428 Latvia, Zemgala gatve 80 Teika Rīga
Informació de preu i disponibilitat actualitzada 20/1/25
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