Buy Commercial, 40.000 €
🇲🇪 Црна Гора, Bar Municipality, Bar, Crna Gora
За имотот Commercial
Вкупна површина
Информации за зделката
40.000 €
Тип на цена
Full Price
Цена по м²
307,69 €
За куќата
За хипотеката
Хипотекарно плаќање
198 €/мес.
396 €/мес.
Првичен платеж
Каматна стапка
136,92 €/мес.
Прекумерно плаќање 2.206,64 €
Индикатори за инвестиции
Радиус 1.8 km.
Вкупна површина ± 5 m²
Месечна кирија
Медијанска цена 2.700 €. Просечна цена 2.700 €. Price од 2.700 € до 2.700 €.
Приход 81%. Отплата 1 година 3 мес.
Пазарна вредност
Медијанска цена 40.000 €. Просечна цена 40.000 €. Price од 40.000 € до 40.000 €
Процентна отклонување од медијаната пазарна вредност 0%
Investment Opportunity: Popular Café Business in Bar, Montenegro

Welcome to the opportunity to own a thriving business – a popular café located in the heart of Bar, Montenegro.  

Conveniently situated alongside the central highway of the entire coastline, Jadranski Put, this café boasts high visibility and foot traffic.  

The café premises are leased directly from the building and landowner, with the lease agreement extended until December 31, 2025. The owner of the property intends to continue renewing the lease to the café owner. The rent is set at 1300 euros per month plus PDV, payable monthly without any substantial upfront payments.     
The space comprises a 90m2 interior area with an additional 40m2 outdoor terrace, which is included with the café's usage rights as specified in the lease agreement.  

The interior of the café features a tasteful and modern design, with stylish shelving units, flower boxes, vases, and a sleek bar counter. High-speed internet, with speeds of up to 300 Mbps via fiber optic connection, is available, catering to a significant customer base.  

The café is equipped with ten 80x80 cm tables and four 60x60 cm tables, along with chairs, armchairs, and sofas, all of which will be transferred to the new owner. During warmer months, part of the indoor seating can be relocated to the terrace, accommodating up to 6 additional large tables.  

The business is operated through a registered company (DOO) in Bar, Montenegro, with an active bank account at CKB. The company will be transferred to the new owner along with the lease agreement, free from any outstanding debts.  

Additionally, the option exists to transfer the business without the sale of the company (for those who prefer to use their own already registered company or establish a new one in Montenegro). The new owner will also receive a unique domain with associated services and email addresses. The café's website, built on a well-known aggregator platform, can be easily managed and updated.  

Enhanced social media accounts associated with the café will also be transferred to the new owner.  

The asking price for this turnkey business opportunity is only 65,000 euros. With year-round operation and an average daily footfall of 50 customers with an average spending of around 10 euros, yielding a profit margin of 20%, the business is expected to recoup its investment in less than two years.  

This offer includes the assignment of the lease rights, a complete set of interior furniture, kitchen and bar equipment, a high-quality coffee machine, a new 75-inch TV set, and all other items listed in the advertisement. The café is fully equipped with all necessary and sufficient equipment for operation, including modern cash register software updated as of February 2024.  

Contact us to schedule a viewing!   

Wifi, Garden, Air Conditioning, Mountain view, Nature, Balcony
Nearby Brands
Burger King 958 м
40.000 €
Цена Full Price
Crassula Estate
CE Crassula Estate ID 29
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Ref: C-0104 Crna Gora, Bar
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 18.10.24
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