Kera Kummerċjali €255 Kera fix-xahar

🇧🇦 Bosnja u Ħerzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kanton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Dwar il-Proprjetà Kummerċjali
Kmamar tal-Banju
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Kummerċjali
Tip ta' Prezz
Kera fix-xahar
Prezz kull m²
Business premise Ilidža, Sarajevo, 24m2 real estate agency allocates a business space of 40m2 located in Sarajevo, Ilidža municipality, Stup settlement. We offer a 27m2 office located in a newly built office building. It consists of two rooms with a shared toilet and kitchen, the office is air-conditioned. The exterior carpentry is PVC, the interior is wooden, the floors are laminated. The future tenant has secured a marked parking space in front of the building. The price is 500KM. The stated price does not include VAT. Business space is rented out unfurnished exclusively for a longer period of time, at least one year. For any additional questions about the terms of the lease or to schedule a tour of this property, please feel free to contact us. Certified real estate agency Nekretnine Broker registration number 001/2022! Grbavička 8b, 71000 Sarajevo Agent Hadis Kadić +38762830830 ID CODE: 502966 Hadis Kadić Agent s licencom Mob: 062830830 Tel: 033842555 E-mail:
Prezz Kera fix-xahar
Uri t-telefon
Ref: XML-4027-528352 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 10/11/2024
€230 Monthly Rent
Kanton Sarajevo • Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
🔎 Fittex il-propjetà immobbli Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sib il-propjetà perfetta tiegħek faċilment. Għall-ħajja u għall-investiment.
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Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli madwar id-dinja.
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Esplora opportunitajiet tal-propjetà immobbli fiż-żoni interni.
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🟥 M-SQ Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sit tal-investiment fil-propjetà immobbli M-SQ. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li ngħinuk tifhem l-investimenti fil-propjetà immobbli u s-suq.
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Ibda bil-ħaġa l-aktar sempliċi, oħloq il-kont tiegħek.
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