Kera 2 Kmamar Appartament €5,800 Kera fix-xahar

🇨🇾 Ċipru, Limassol District (Leymasun), Ágios Týchon, Cyprus, Limassol, Agios Tychon
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Kmamar tal-Banju
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Appartament
Tip ta' Prezz
Kera fix-xahar
Prezz kull m²
Luxury fully furnished penthouse with covered area 230sq.m plus veranda, has a breathtaking view with a surround glass veranda, double glazing, electric blinds, floor heating, VRV air conditioning / heating hot and cold system. Open plan kitchen/lounge area furnished with contemporary furniture and fireplace. The kitchen has the highest quality of kitchen appliances, Gaggenau, with an addition of a Gaggenau wine cooler. False ceiling with Led lighting, lighted floors, 2 substantial bedrooms with fitted sliding wardrobes with an en suite shower and mosaic flooring, the bathroom has a jacuzzi, with his and hers basins. Accessories are beautifully designed by Antonio Lupi. Computer smart home system. There is a sauna and a shower/changing room on the ground floor with the swimming pool. Covered parking space, storage room and private entrance to the beach.
Prezz Kera fix-xahar
Fox Realty: Limassol Griva Digeni
Fox Limassol Griva Digeni ID 46
Uri t-telefon
Ref: AR-53527 Cyprus, Limassol, Agios Tychon
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 07/11/2024
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