구입 4 침실 아파트, €1,995,000
🇨🇾 Xipre, Limassol District (Leymasun), Lemesós, Cyprus, Limassol, Agia Filaxi
부동산 정보 아파트
총 면적
거래 정보
가격 유형
전액 지불
평방미터당 가격
모기지 정보
모기지 납부액
첫 납입금
과다 납부액 €110,056.09
투자 지표
반경 1.8 km.
총 면적 ± 5 m²
월 임대료
중위 가격 €2,000. 평균 가격 €2,000. Price 부터 €2,000 까지 €2,000.
수입 1.2%. 회수 83 년들 2 월.
시장 가치
중위 가격 €1,995,000. 평균 가격 €1,995,000. Price 부터 €1,995,000 까지 €1,995,000
중위 시장 가치에서의 백분율 편차 0%
We are happy to present you this beautiful, modern design, Luxury under construction 3 bedroom plus additional studio apartment, locate in Agia Fyla area. The apartment is part of a unique, modern design, luxury building with common swimming pool and other facilities that is under construction on a hill of the area, with unobstructed view. This unique building will build on a plot of 2551sqm, 23 units in 5 floors. This luxury apartment has an internal covered area around 151.sqm plus 47sqm covered veranda plus 72.5sqm uncovered veranda plus an additional unit that could be used as a gym, a guest room, a sitting room, maid room or office, 47.5sqm on the pool level. The additional unit has also toilet and shower and provisions for a small kitchen. Ac and electric heating provisions, two private parking on the basement and a storage room 18.5sqm. The main apartment has an open plan kitchen, living room and dining area, guest wc, main bathroom and three big size bedrooms. Two of the bedrooms are en suit with toilet and shower. Outdoors, you can find the covered and the uncovered veranda, with amazing view and plenty of space for sitting area, barbecue area, garden area around 26 sqm and a private jacuzzi area 20.5sqm. Unique design. Elevated plot with unobstructed sea and city view from the huge covered veranda. Very quiet area with easy access to the highway and the city center, surrounded by all amenities.
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가격 전액 지불
Fox Realty: Limassol Griva Digeni
Fox Limassol Griva Digeni ID 46
전화 표시
Ref: 16261 Cyprus, Limassol, Agia Filaxi
가격 및 가용성 정보가 25. 3. 18.에 업데이트되었습니다.
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