Nájomné Komerčné 4 700 € Mesačný nájom

🇨🇾 Cyprus, Limassol District (Leymasun), Germasógeia, Limassol, Linopetra
O nehnuteľnosti Komerčné
Celková plocha
O nehnuteľnosti Komerčné
4 700 €
Typ ceny
Mesačný nájom
Cena za m²
26,11 €
Shop or Office under full renovation, inside and outside, on prime commercial avenue with close proximity to the sea and numerous amenities nearby. The area is 100sqm on the ground floor, and 80sqm on the mezzanine. The space will be fully renovated on the outside, with a new façade with double-glazing windows and decorative wooden panels to ensure a modern aesthetic as well as some changes in the overall building/pavements etc. On the inside, installation of new large ceramic tiles on the floors and toilets, new false ceilings with modern lighting, new A/C units, internet connection, new modern staircase, 2 new toilets and a new kitchen with dining area. All electrical and plumbing works will be installed, and underfloor electrical outlets can be installed (for offices). The space can be partitioned for office use, with a reception and 1 conference room and 2 more office rooms on the ground floor (as per the drawings), and an open plan or partitioned layout on the mezzanine, ideal for business /client interaction. For shops, the space will have a large modern glass façade on the ground floor and mezzanine and exposure to one of the busiest roads of Limassol. There are 4 lay-by parking on the road in front, with provision for an additional 2-3 private parking in front of the shop. Also, there is virtually unlimited parking at the rear end. Available in November 2024.
4 700 €
Cena Mesačný nájom
Fox Realty: Limassol Griva Digeni
Fox Limassol Griva Digeni ID 46
Ukáž telefón
Ref: 26539 Cyprus, Limassol, Linopetra
Cena a dostupnosť aktualizovaná 7. 11. 2024
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