Affittare 4 Stanze Casa 4.800 € Affitto mensile

🇨🇾 Cipro, Limassol District (Leymasun), Páno Polemídia, Cyprus, Limassol, Palodeia
Informazioni sulla proprietà Casa
Superficie totale
Superficie totale del terreno
Informazioni sulla proprietà Casa
4.800 €
Tipo di prezzo
Affitto mensile
Prezzo al m²
16 €
Charming four bedroom residence available in the Palodia Hills of Limassol.  Just under three years old, the house has been built to the highest specifications and has energy A+ efficiency.  The property enjoys beautiful views and has easy access to the Heritage and Island Private Schools. There is a lovely modern layout with open plan kitchen, sitting and dining area with guest WC and four spacious bedrooms on the first level.  The master bedroom has en-suite facilities and the remaining bedrooms share a family bathroom with Jacuzzi.  The outdoor area is cozy and private and has a barbecue and garden area.  The residence is offered unfurnished but can be offered furnished also.  Please call for further information and a viewing.
4.800 €
Prezzo Affitto mensile
Fox Realty: Limassol Molos
FLM Fox Limassol Molos ID 45
Mostra telefono
Ref: HR-125359 Cyprus, Limassol, Palodeia
Informazioni su prezzi e disponibilità aggiornate il 14/02/24
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