Buy 3 Соба House, 5.400.000 €
🇨🇾 Кипар, Limassol District (Leymasun), Limassol, Cyprus, Neapoli
За имотот House
Вкупна површина
Информации за зделката
5.400.000 €
Тип на цена
Full Price
Цена по м²
21.951,22 €
За хипотеката
Хипотекарно плаќање
26.723 €/мес.
53.446 €/мес.
Првичен платеж
Каматна стапка
18.484,85 €/мес.
Прекумерно плаќање 297.896,18 €
Индикатори за инвестиции
Радиус 1.8 km.
Вкупна површина ± 5 m²
Месечна кирија
Медијанска цена 4.700 €. Просечна цена 4.700 €. Price од 4.700 € до 4.700 €.
Приход 1.04%. Отплата 95 години 9 мес.
Пазарна вредност
Медијанска цена 5.400.000 €. Просечна цена 5.400.000 €. Price од 5.400.000 € до 5.400.000 €
Процентна отклонување од медијаната пазарна вредност 0%
This tower sets a new benchmark for high-end Mediterranean living. It celebrates the natural beauty, climate and culture of Limassol and brings iconic, sustainable, intelligent design to Cyprus’ built landscape. Limassol’s inherent qualities will continue to attract visionary projects, reinforcing its place as a unique destination.The tower is 37 storeys  of design intelligence. Every aspect of the building’s structure, detailing and finish plays to the location’s natural advantages. It delivers luxury into the lives of its occupants without compromising the life of the planet. The building’s orientation and shape, use of daylight, ventilation, shading, shell insulation and water recycling all provide opportunities to innovate. By integrating sustainability into the design, the energy consumption and use of resources are uncommonly low. Respect is the foundation of design. C O M P R E H E N S I V E 2 4 - H O U R S E R V I C E General - Reception - Security with CCTV and personnel - Information Leisure - Events and tickets - Boat trips - Party and event planning - Sightseeing Travel - Transfers - Airline ticket bookings - Hotel reservations - Car hire Food & Drink - Room service - Restaurant,bar and club reservations Health & Beauty - Spa treatments Shopping - Shopping and personal shopping - Flower /gift purchase and delivery Practical Assistance Services - Housekeeping and cleaning - Laundry and dry cleaning - Babysitting - Doctor visits - Sourcing teachers for private tuition - Repair maintenance services Sport -Personal training - Water sports - Golf - Diving Facilities - 24-hour reception - Concierge service - Secure car park - Bicycle parking - Outdoor swimming pool with deck area - Spa with treatment room, sauna,s team bath - Gym - Meeting room - Business centre - Wine cellar - Outdoor children’s playground - Children’s pool area - Outdoor sitting area/terrace - Wi-Fi coverage of communal areas  
Nearby Brands
Starbucks 665 мLidl 893 мStarbucks 1.1 км
5.400.000 €
Цена Full Price
Fox Realty: Limassol Molos
FLM Fox Limassol Molos ID 45
Прикажи телефон
Ref: A-125548 Cyprus, Limassol, Neapoli
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 8.1.25
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