Изнајмување 2 Соби Стан 1.300 € Месечна кирија

🇨🇾 Кипар, Limassol District (Leymasun), Lemesós, Cyprus, Limassol, Apostolou Petrou & Pavlou
За имотот Стан
Вкупна површина
За имотот Стан
1.300 €
Тип на цена
Месечна кирија
Цена по м²
13 €
Nice two bedroom apartment in Apostoli Petrou & Pavlou area in Limassol is available now. The apartment has covered area 100 square meters and veranda 15 square meters. It consists from a living room/dining room, a separate kitchen and two verandas to enjoy your coffee. Furthermore there is two bedroom with spacious cabinets and a family bathroom. It has solar water heater with pressure , storage room and a/c in all areas. Also it has one covered parking space. It is in the second floor of the building and is semi-furnished. The apartment is located in a quiet residential area close to all main amenities with an easy access to down town and the motor way. It has quick access to all needed amenities including supermarkets, parks, schools and restaurants. Please call me for the viewing.
1.300 €
Цена Месечна кирија
Fox Realty: Limassol Molos
FLM Fox Limassol Molos ID 45
Прикажи телефон
Ref: 16560 Cyprus, Limassol, Apostolou Petrou & Pavlou
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 23.10.23
1.350 € Monthly Rent
3 Соби
11 €/
Lemesós • Cyprus, Limassol, Mesa Geitonia
1.400 € Monthly Rent
2 Соби
13 €/
Lemesós • Cyprus, Limassol, Apostolos Andreas
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