Vender Tierra 950.000 € Precio completo

🇨🇾 Chipre, Paphos District (Pafos), Kissonerga, Cyprus, Paphos
Sobre la propiedad Tierra
Superficie total terreno
Sobre la propiedad Tierra
950.000 €
Tipo de precio
Precio completo
Sobre la hipoteca
Pago de hipoteca
4701 €/mes.
9402 €/mes.
Primer pago
3251,96 €/mes.
Sobrepago 52.407,66 €
Indicadores de inversión
Radio 1.8 km.
Área total ± 5 m²
Situated in Kissonerga, a coastal area, offering proximity to the sea, approximately 400 meters away. This proximity suggests potential for attractive sea views and recreational activities. Close proximity to hotels, restaurants, and amenities implies convenience and potential for attracting residents or tourists interested in the area's offerings. Infrastructure: Availability of electricity and water supply indicates basic infrastructure readiness for development. Road access ensures ease of transportation and connectivity to neighboring areas. Regulatory Details: Zoning designation as KA9 implies specific regulations for development, which typically entail residential or mixed-use purposes. Building density of 40% means that approximately 1,248 square meters of the land can be utilized for construction. Coverage ratio of 25% suggests that structures can cover up to 780 square meters of the land. Right to build on 2 floors and up to 10 meters high provides parameters for vertical construction, potentially maximizing land use while adhering to local regulations. Development Potential: With its ample size of 3,122 square meters and favorable zoning regulations, the land offers significant potential for residential or mixed-use development. Proximity to the sea, coupled with nearby amenities, may increase the attractiveness of the property for potential buyers. The specified building parameters provide clarity on what can be constructed, guiding developers in their planning process. Overall, this residential land in Kissonerga presents a promising opportunity for development, given its favorable location, infrastructure provisions, and regulatory framework.
950.000 €
Precio Precio completo
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Mostrar teléfono
Ref: 24663 Cyprus, Paphos, Kissonerga
Información de precio y disponibilidad actualizada 14/10/24
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