Biegħ Kummerċjali €190,000 Prezz Sħiħ

🇨🇾 Ċipru, Paphos District (Pafos), Paphos, Cyprus, Agios Theodoros
Dwar il-Proprjetà Kummerċjali
Żona Totali
Dwar il-Proprjetà Kummerċjali
Tip ta' Prezz
Prezz Sħiħ
Prezz kull m²
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €10,481.53
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
Good will business for sale (Night Club) Boasting a spacious internal area of 500 square meters, this venue is meticulously designed to offer an unforgettable experience for party-goers. - Prime Location: Situated in the bustling district of Kato Paphos, this nightclub enjoys high visibility and foot traffic, making it a hotspot for locals and tourists alike. -Well-Appointed Venue: The venue is thoughtfully laid out with a main area, storage space, staff premises, and restroom facilities. Guests can relax and mingle on comfortable sofas and tables strategically placed throughout the club. Fully Equipped: - Ready to work - Equipped with everything you need for a seamless operation, including a fully stocked bar, island bars, advanced air conditioning system, multiple TV screens, professional VR music system, and security cameras for guest safety. -Legal Documentation: All necessary permissions and legal documentation are in place, ensuring compliance with regulations and smooth operations. - Regular Clientele: With a capacity of 200 guests, this nightclub has cultivated a loyal and stable clientele over the years. From locals looking for a night out to tourists seeking entertainment, the club attracts a diverse crowd. -Functional Business: This nightclub is not just a venue; it's a fully functional business with established systems and processes in place. Take over and start generating revenue from day one. •Thriving Location: Kato Paphos is known for its vibrant nightlife, and this nightclub is at the heart of it all. •Full Operation: Walk into a fully equipped venue with all the amenities needed to host unforgettable events. •Stable Clientele: Benefit from a loyal customer base. •Expansion Potential: With the right vision and marketing strategy, there's ample opportunity to expand and grow the business further. •Investment Opportunity: Nightclubs in prime locations are highly sought after, making this an attractive investment opportunity. The position of the business assure and ensure that is one of the most busy road with some thousands of people passing by on a daily basis day and night. Call us for a viewing.
Prezz Prezz Sħiħ
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Uri t-telefon
Ref: 25033 Cyprus, Paphos, Agios Theodoros
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 23/08/2024
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🟥 M-SQ Cyprus
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