Продај Земјиште, 175.000 €
🇨🇾 Кипар, Nicosia District (Lefkoşa), Káto Pýrgos, Cyprus, Nicosia, Pachyammos
За имотот Земјиште
Total area land
За имотот Земјиште
175.000 €
Тип на цена
Целосна цена
За хипотеката
Хипотекарно плаќање
866 €/мес.
1.732 €/мес.
Првичен платеж
Каматна стапка
599,05 €/мес.
Прекумерно плаќање 9.654,04 €
Индикатори за инвестиции
Радиус 1.8 km.
Вкупна површина ± 5 m²
Land of 1598sqm in a walking distance to the sea . With building density 90% , coverage of 50% and 2 floors allowance with 8.3m height! It is located in one of the most beautiful areas of Nicosia District, where seashore and inland area are unified into one, where mountains lead straight to the sea! An investor may consider among other the following options: Good prospects for a high return, taking into account that the highway connecting Paphos City with Polis Chrysochous area (is scheduled to be constructed within the next few years) Investing in peaceful place where you can enjoy the unique beauty generously granted by nature. While the sunset begins, the few scattered clouds take a soft golden color and create a marvelous view. The Sunset is blissful, wonderful and wild! Even in the same place every sunset is different from day to day. Pachyammos is the ideal place to watch the sunset, idyllicescape for those who seek privacyand enjoy active holidays in nature!
175.000 €
Цена Целосна цена
Fox Realty: Paphos
FP Fox Paphos ID 44
Прикажи телефон
Ref: L-102139 Cyprus, Nicosia, Pachyammos
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 8.1.25
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