Продај Стан 120.000 € Целосна цена

🇲🇪 Црна Гора, Bar Municipality, Bar, Crna Gora, Bjelaši
За имотот Стан
Вкупна површина
За имотот Стан
120.000 €
Тип на цена
Целосна цена
Цена по м²
2.105,26 €
За куќата
За хипотеката
Хипотекарно плаќање
594 €/мес.
1.188 €/мес.
Првичен платеж
Каматна стапка
410,77 €/мес.
Прекумерно плаќање 6.619,92 €
Индикатори за инвестиции
Радиус 1.8 km.
Вкупна површина ± 5 m²
Newly built one-bedroom apartment with a terrace in Bar

For sale: a new apartment in the Bjeliši neighborhood, Bar! This modern apartment is located on the 1st floor of a residential building with a total of 8 floors, offering a spacious area of 57m2. It is ideal for anyone seeking a functional and comfortable space in a quiet environment while still being close to all necessary amenities.The apartment consists of one bedroom, one bathroom, and an open living area, allowing for optimal space utilization. As it is unfurnished, the future owner has complete freedom to customize the interior to their taste and needs. The building is equipped with a modern elevator, and public parking is available nearby, adding convenience for residents.The view from the apartment overlooks the city and surrounding nature, enhancing daily life. The sea is just 600 meters away, making it a perfect spot for beach lovers. The city of Bar enjoys about 270 sunny days a year, making it an ideal location for a quality lifestyle. Additionally, the building features a security system, further increasing the sense of safety and comfort for all residents.  

This apartment presents an excellent opportunity for those looking to invest in property in one of the most beautiful parts of Montenegro, where you can enjoy the sun, nature, and proximity to all important amenities. Don’t miss the chance to become the owner of this beautiful apartment in Bar!  


Wifi, Parking, Balcony, Garden, Central Heating , Laundry Room, Mountain view, Lift, Nature, Sea distance
120.000 €
Цена Целосна цена
Crassula Estate
CE Crassula Estate ID 29
Сè уште е достапно?Сакам да видамКонтактирајте меЌе ми дадете попуст?
Прикажи телефон
Ref: A-2809 Crna Gora, Bar, Bjelaši
Информации за цената и достапноста се ажурирани 12.10.24
111.000 € Full Price
1 Соба
2.176 €/
Bar • Crna Gora, Bar
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