Vinde Teren 200.000 EUR Pret intreg

🇲🇪 Muntenegru, Bar Municipality, Sutomore, Crna Gora, Bar, Gluhi Do
Despre Proprietate Teren
Suprafata totala teren
Despre Proprietate Teren
200.000 EUR
Tip preț
Pret intreg
Despre Ipotecă
Plată ipotecă
990 EUR/lun.
1.980 EUR/lun.
Rată dobândă ipotecă
684,62 EUR/lun.
Suprataxare 11.033,19 EUR
Indicatori de investiții
Rază 1.8 km.
Suprafață totală ± 5 m²
Prime plot on good location near Bar, Montenegro

For sale are two plots of land totaling 31,000 m², located in the picturesque area of Gluhi Do, Bar. This prime real estate is ideal for construction, offering a serene setting with beautiful mountain views. The property is divided into two parcels, each with unique features and great potential for development.  

Parcel 1 spans 5,000 m² and includes a registered ruin of an old building covering 120 m². While the structure is beyond repair and would need to be rebuilt from scratch, the presence of the ruin may simplify the process of obtaining a building permit. The parcel is conveniently positioned adjacent to the village road, providing easy access. An illustrative image shows the precise location of this parcel.  

Parcel 2 covers 25,797 m², with a total registered area of 5,618 m². In terms of utilities, there are no issues with electricity as the local power grid runs along the village road, making a connection straightforward. Water is supplied by the village water system, which taps into an exceptional local spring, ensuring high-quality water. Similar to the electricity, connecting the water supply to the parcels poses no difficulty.  

These spacious plots offer a unique opportunity for anyone looking to build in a tranquil, rural setting while still benefiting from the convenience of nearby utilities and infrastructure. The combination of land size, accessibility, and available services makes this a valuable investment in the Bar region.  

Garden, Mountain view, Nature
200.000 EUR
Preț Pret intreg
Crassula Estate
CE Crassula Estate ID 29
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Ref: L-1910 Crna Gora, Bar, Gluhi Do
Informații despre preț și disponibilitate actualizate la 18.10.2024
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