Median Price €1,067. Average Price €1,144. Price from €772 to €1,580.
Income 4.14%. Payback 24 years 2 mon.
Market Value
Median Price €309,000. Average Price €243,333. Price from €72,000 to €349,000
Percentage deviation from the median market value 0%
Фасадный дом, вход со двора и улицы, окна на улицу, изолированные комнаты, санузел общий, центральное отопление, капитальный ремонт, стеклопакеты, крашеные стены, кафельный пол, без мебели, телефон, освобождена
Front building, entrance from both the yard and the street, windows face the street, isolated rooms, common bathroom- toilet, central heating, heavy repairs, plastic glass package windows, painted walls, tiled floor, unfurnished, telephone connection, freed
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Burger King 197 mSwedbank 496 mMcDonald's 513 mSwedbank 641 m
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Ref: 17294 Latvia, 7
Price and availability information updated 3/3/25
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