Ixtri 2 Kamra Kummerċjali, €640,000
🇱🇻 Il-Latvja, Riga, Latvia, Elizabetes iela 3 18 Centrs Rīga
1 ta' 6
Dwar il-Proprjetà Kummerċjali
Żona Totali
Informazzjoni dwar il-Ftehim
Tip ta' Prezz
Prezz Sħiħ
Prezz kull m²
Dwar id-Dar
Numru ta' Saffi
Dwar il-Potek
Ħlas tal-Potek
Dwar l-Investiment
Ħlas lura
38 sena 1 xahar
Monthly price
Ħlas ta' Qabel
Rata ta' Interess
Pagament Żejjed €35,306.21
Indikaturi ta' Investiment
Rata 1.8 km.
Żona Totali ± 5 m²
Kera Kwalita
Prezz Medjan €3,505. Prezz Medju €3,505. Price minn €2,200 sa' €4,810.
Dħul 6.57%. Ħlas lura 15 snin 3 xah.
Valur tas-Suq
Prezz Medjan €640,000. Prezz Medju €640,000. Price minn €640,000 sa' €640,000
Deviżjoni fil-perċentwal mill-valur medjan tas-suq 0%
Luxury in the state historical architecture Exclusive, spacious and luxurious 1 to 5 bedroom apartments with office premises and several bathrooms, kitchen, lobby, entrance hall and corridors that are stretching through the apartment in a secret but easily dancing way in the building, which was constructed in 1899 by the architect Karl Johan Fesko and decorated by the sculptures of the sculptor August Francis Lehbereht Folcs, will create a sophisticated area of living. Elizabeth is a pearl in the quiet centre of Riga which has been reconstructed completely in accordance with the project of the architect Mārtiņš Batraga. The building has 19 apartments located in it which are full of space and freedom, as well as bureau premises with separate entrances. Most of the windows of the guest rooms in the apartment are towards the South and they have a view of a green and picturesque part of Riga - Kronvalda Boulevard with Kronvalda Park nearby. All apartments have auxiliary premises for storage of possessions. Such premises are also located at the basement of the building so that the sports equipment can be stored there. The apartments on the fifth floor are created in two levels and supplement with roof terraces from where it is possible to watch bright sunsets over the river Daugava which has played a great role in Latvian history. There is a sports hall for the residents of the building located in the basement. The yard is landscaped with beautiful flower beds, benches and stands for leaving bicycles. Concierge service agency Optima Fide, which can be met in the tastefully decorated lobby, takes good care of organising daily life and hobbies of the residents of Elizabeth building. The finishing of the building is made of polished marble with a sophisticated pattern, warm glistening of gold and the brightness of mirrors. Robust geometric forms and verticals are supplemented by mild accents: high quality textile, gracious carved details of the style of Art Nouveaux with finishing made of precious wood. Decorative design of ceiling, which has been reconstructed according to original fragments that have been found in the building, levels out masculine character of the interior design. Residential building Elizabeth has been created for people with sophisticated taste and undisputable requirements for the highest level of comfort in all situations of life.
Nearby Brands
Burger King 1.2 km
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Ref: 23246 Latvia, Elizabetes iela 3 18 Centrs Rīga
Informazzjoni dwar il-prezz u l-viżibilità aġġornata 28/03/2025
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